Cambridge General English Exams
Let us help you pass your Cambridge EngLish exams
One of the major differences between our exam preparation courses and other schools is that many European academies expect their students to study for a considerable period of time (up to 2 years) in preparation for these exams.
Many institutions use standard coursebooks to gradually build the students’ knowledge. Our courses begin with students who have acquired the relevant language level and are looking for a highly-focused preparation course, primarily using original material developed by the teachers and official Cambridge University past exam papers.
In order to protect the quality of the courses and to ensure that students are positioned in groups correctly, there will be a pre-course assessment for students to complete.
Our exam preparation courses will be structured as follows:
The first part of the course (approximately 30 hours), will focus on the individual tasks from the Reading, Listening, Use of English (except IELTS) Speaking and Writing papers. During this phase of the course, students will become familiar with the various exercises they will be expected to complete in the exam, with advice on task strategy and specific language practice to maximise students’ effectiveness and efficiency in completing the tasks.
The second part of the course will focus on specific, relevant grammar/form and vocabulary to allow the students to approach the exam with confidence and to help them achieve the best possible mark.
The third and final part of the course will consist of exam practice: exam tasks from previous Cambridge tests will be used during the second and third part of the course, giving students maximum exposure to the various exercises that comprise the exam.
For a full overview of the exam format (not our course syllabus) we have included links below to Cambridge University’s website.
Course Length
The courses will be structured to focus on the relevant Cambridge exam dates and may be subject to local/national changes.
As well as the online tuition that each student receives , the course will expect the student to commit to some private study each week in order to complete homework assignments.
We are anticipating a high demand for these prestigous exams, and due to the commitment to small groups, places will be limited. We welcome any enquires, from individuals, groups or other educational organisations.
Get in touch now to book
We would love to hear from you, so please get in touch for an informal chat to see how we can work together!